IPM Codex Benefits
IPM Codex makes it all easy
IPM Codex helps school districts manage their IPM programs effectively and efficiently.
Eliminate paperwork
IPM Codex generates documents electronically. All notifications, postings, and reports are saved online in PDF form. Nothing gets lost or destroyed, and the paperwork takes up no physical space. If a document is needed, it can be found easily and quickly, and rendered in electronic or printed form.
Reduce your workload
By automating document creation, reporting, and record retrieval, IPM Codex eliminates the inevitable workload spikes that occur on a regular monthly and yearly basis, as well as the unexpected requests for records that can occur as a result of the Healthy Schools Act and the Public Records Act. In addition, by streamlining the notification and notification registration process, necessary pesticide applications don’t result in unnecessary work.
Ensure compliance
The California Healthy Schools Act is not simple, and changes often. IPM Codex and Three Hill Path Incorporated work to ensure that all facets of the HSA related to pest management are accounted for. IPM Codex helps to stay current with changes to the law, and helps to insure that all reporting and compliance is accounted for.